There was a lot of cooking up treats and getting the nose turned up in the air and away. Tuesday morning, I was finally so frustrated I went to the grocery store and bought about $30 worth of various baby foods and “canned” dog foods. She ATE! She has even eaten some of her crunchies when mixed in with other items, including baby food, Rachel Ray dog food, Beneful wet dog food, chicken broth, and also rice & cooked ground turkey mixed together. Hallelujah, Hallelujah,Hallelujah..woohoo!
Coulee is getting pretty agile on those 3 legs (she’s still faster than I am when she gets moving) and hops up on the couch & the bed. She flies down the ramp, but still struggles a bit getting back up. Today she decided to run down the stairs and not use the ramp. Aaawww. What? I admit, I closed my eyes and prayed. She also decided to jump out of the truck (front seat) before I had a chance to help her down when we came back from the grocery store. She’s obviously feeling better and more confident. I’ll try not to have a nervous breakdown 
So the whole Doomsday thing…..what a let-down. No zombies, no asteroids, nothing SyFy channel worthy. (Big Disappointed Sigh). Oh well, the news now needs something else to obsess about and that seems to be that we are going to get hammered by snow this weekend. I’ve heard that before. We are gearing up for a nice fluffy snow storm. Coulee and Summit love to chase and catch snowballs. We’re expecting 4- 6 feet over the next few days.
Coulee’s Grandpa Peter is in hospital with pneumonia. He is still in the ICU, but is doing better as they have removed the breathing tube and he is not sedated (as much). We are so thankful that Grandma Linda is keeping an eye out for him and reading him our emails with all the bad jokes. Laughter is the best medicine (besides broad spectrum anti-biotics!). Saying lots of prayers to keep all our family healthy and safe through this holiday season.